Foxadise Farms

Case Study Foxadise Farms The Fox family sets out to create paradise from an accessible farm system. Foxadise Farms is the agra-food farm startup helmed by the Fox family. Honey is at the core of their work, by offering a variety of honey products to customers and supplying honey for a variety of product makers. […]

Honey For Goodness Sake

Case Study Honey For Goodness Sake An urban apiarist brings honey to the masses Honey For Goodness Sake™ brand honey is grown by an apiarist from Cleveland, Ohio. Sold primarily at farmer’s markets, and small retail venues, Honey For Goodness Sake™ asked us to create a brand identity, and then create the consumer packaging for […]

Team Tagz

Case Study Team Tagz Tag That Bag! Team Tagz is an ingenious product that uses rugged, waterproof material to create custom tags for bags carried by athletes. Each Team Tagz can be customized with the athlete’s name, number, year, and school logo, all on team colors. Brand Shepherd crafted a custom, lightweight e-commerce form that […]


Case Study KeySource Delivering value to independent pharmacies KeySource rightly read the room some years ago and saw a massive opportunity to serve the USA’s massive number of independent pharmacies. To do that effectively, they needed a total brand refresh, and that is what Brand Shepherd was tasked with. From brand identity and website, to […]


Case Study PureGro Organic Home & Garden Products PureGro™  is an organic home and garden products brand. It is part of the ExcelAg family of brands. With years of proven products to grow acres of crops in an agricultural setting, PureGro was established to offer some of those proven organic products to the home owner […]


Case Study InnoTool Work Smarter, Not Harder Brand Shepherd was tasked with helping this power tool accessories startup with finalizing a new name, creating their visual brand, and a product marketing mix of video and print. It was great to see this startup’s vision come to life; their energy fed our energy and we had […]


Case Study MobiValet Total, distraction-free driving The patented MobiValet is the perfect meeting of Form and Function. Its function allows drivers to pay attention to what they should: The road and surroundings, not their phone. And yet its form is in quality, stitched leather, for durability and a premium feel. Brand Shepherd’s task was to […]

Driveway Games

Case Study Driveway Games It’s all fun and games until…well, it’s all fun and games! Driveway Games designs and sells outdoor games – some new, some traditional – that have an innovative twist to them. Since 2006, Brand Shepherd has crafted every product’s logo, packaging, and sales material. It has been such a treat to […]

Wild Fire 4-in-1

Case Study Wild Fire 4-in-1 Wild innovation disrupts outdoor cooking The Wild Fire 4-in-1 platform combines 4 cooking zones into a single outdoor cooking station. It replaces an estimated 36 sq. ft. of outdoor grills, pizza ovens, and smokers. Brand Shepherd was engaged to develop the brand, name this incredible product, and craft its visual […]


Case Study Petbrosia Veterinarian Developed Led by former Iams® brand manager, Keith Johnson, Petbrosia® rocked the pet food category by offering pet food formulated based on the breed, age, and weight of each dog and cat customer. We developed this brand from the ground up, from identity to packaging, e-commerce, and product marketing.  “Brand Shepherd […]