Case Study


Rich, Healthy, and Sustainable Production

ExcelAg delivers on its brand promise to create rich, healthy, and sustainable production in agriculture. That’s a brand promise our planet, our food chain, and our soil needs, now more than ever.

Brand Shepherd Case Study - ExcelAg - Top Agriculture Products

“Beyond providing expertise in design and marketing know-how, what I find most empowering is their ability to truly listen, understand, and help bring to life my business concepts, in an efficient, professional, and well-thought-out manner.”

Jorge Cepeda Jr. • VP Global Sales • ExcelAg


Ag Products Developed


Across 8 Separate Sub-Brands


Countries Reached

We know how frustrating it is to struggle through a long, wasteful go-to-market strategy for products.

We know how it feels to have a product you know people will love, yet getting it to them is a struggle.

It’s a process filled with endless paths that easily waste time and effort.

We know how hard it is to get products to the people.

There is a better way to get your products to your people.

Join successful brands who let us guide their products to their people.

Let us take you there.

Let’s Create Products For Your People!


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Get Your Products To Your People!

Your People Need Your Products!